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United Kingdom
coffee, tea, magazines, topshop, ipod, cardigans, london, paris, mj daisy, wayfarers, virgin suicides, luella, polaroids, dreaming.

Sunday, 14 June 2009

Bang bang, you're dead

I had such a good weekend, in town two days in a row (: Lying on the grass in the middle of a roundabout, taking pictures and people watching. The people in the second picture are Lynsey and Fiona by the way, and the one after is Lynsey and me.

Also I watched the Virgin Suicides, I don't know if i liked it or not really. The book had a massive effect on me, and in comparison the film didn't really. I liked the boys though, they were pretty cute! x

PS. Only two more followers until fifty!



  1. The pictures are wonderful! I'm glad you had a nice weekend. And I didn't like the movie either!

  2. love those shots lol
    i m already one of those followers hope u get 50 soon

  3. awesome pictures (:
    ```good luck getting to fifty! I'm already following you on bloglovin' I have like 7 XD.

  4. These pictures are all amazing!

  5. Oh I just got The Virgin Suicides from the library! I prefer reading books first, and watch the movie after, but books are almost always better unfortunately!


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